A lasting power of attorney document serves as a legal instruction which allows you, the donor, to appoint someone, generally an attorney who has expertise and is permitted to provide legal advice, for the purpose of making decisions on your behalf when you are not able to, for instance should you become mentally or medically incapacitated. Lodge Brothers attorneys specialise in providing the Lasting Power of Attorney Guildford service and can direct you in setting up this legal document. There are 2 types of lasting power of attorney; one for health and welfare and the other for property and financial affairs and a donor has the choice to make use of either, or both types.
The first step to appoint your Lodge Brothers attorney who will provide you with the relevant paperwork to complete and advice you regarding the 2 types of lasting power of attorney Ashford which is available and what they cover. For example the Health and welfare power of attorney covers decisions pertaining to your daily care and lifestyle routines, medical care options, care home options and aspects relating to life-sustaining treatment such as which heroic measures or extraordinary procedures that you wish therapists to do in order to either save or extend your life when you are unable to provide instruction. All aspects relating these aspects are very personal and can make a monumental difference not only to your life, but the lives of your family members which is why engaging with a attorney for this purpose will simply the process and ensure that your choices are safeguarded.

When it comes to property and financial affairs, the Lasting power of attorney Feltham will guide decisions relating to aspects of your bank, building society, account payments, benefit collection and the selling or distribution of your home and assets, allowing you to have the final say as to how these aspects should be managed. This, in conjunction with your last will and testament will ensure that your decisions about your estate and finances are executed legally and with no contest, before your departure, if you are no longer mentally or medically able to refer.
Once you have fully consulted with Lodge Brothers in terms of your options, the paperwork will be completed and lodged with the Office of the Public Guardian which can take to 20 weeks to be finalised, for which there is a nominal cost of (as per gov.uk in 2022) £82.

If a Lasting power of attorney has not been registered at the point at which mental capacity is lost, a deputy will be appointed by the Court of Protection, however this complicated and costly process does not ensure that your personal wishes are met, however all legal aspects relating to a person’s care and well-being will be considered on an on-going basis, as required. The family will not be able to provide input as to what personal care should be or what decisions should be made regarding your finances. This can leave the family in a vulnerable position in the long run.
We can advise on making LPA’s, prepare the documents and deal with registration at the Office of the Public Guardian (“OPG”).
Contact Lodge Brothers Lasting power of attorney Woking and Lodge Brothers Lasting power of attorney Weybridge to speak to us and find out how we can assist you.